(21 Nov 2006)
THE PIRANHA(ESP Cables, Gauges & Control Line Protectors) Applications: For ESP Cables & Completions Control Lines And The Running Of Down Hole Gauges.
Nov 21
Nov 21
The Sky Spyder
(21 Nov 2006)
SkySpyder technology provides a safe, environmentally-friendly solution to problems of cleaning the facade of high-rise buildings.
Aug 05
Inventors Initiative: Plenary Sessions
(5 Aug 2006)
Singapore Inventors� Development Association (SIDA) organized the �Inventors Initiative� Plenary Sessions at the National Library @ 100 Victoria Street, Level 5, Imagination Room on 5 August 2006. Five members of the association and a guest shared their experiences and views with participants from various walks of life. The event was well attended with the Imagination Room filled with responsive participants.
Sep 27
The GES (Global Enterprise Singapore) 2005
GES 2005 (Singapore)
GES (Global Entrepolis Singapore) is an annual event in Singapore. Its purpose is to provide a global market exchange for businesses. ideas and innovation. As such SIDA see this as a great opportunity for members to showcase their inventions.
Place: Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre.
1 Raffles Boulevard. SIDA allocated booth is H25, Hall 403 & 404
Date: 27 to 29 September 2005
Time: 10.00 am till 7.30 pm (27,28 Sep 2005)
10.00 am till 6 pm (29 Sep 2005)
Oct 11
The GES (Global Entrepolis Singapore) 2004
(11 Oct 2004)
GES (Global Entrepolis Singapore) is an annual event in Singapore. Its purpose is to provide a global market exchange for businesses. ideas and innovation. As such SIDA see this as a great opportunity for members to showcase their inventions.
Place: Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Level 4, Hall 403 & 404.
Date: 11 to 15 Oct 2004
Apr 26
IP (Intellectual Property) News Update
(26 Apr 2004)
On 26 Apr 2004, our President, Kim Tean, gave a recent update on IP happening in Singapore
Oct 27
The GES (Global Entrepolis Singapore) 2003
(27 Oct 2003)
Below our President address on the GES.
Dear Members,
I am pleased to announce that the Enterprise Exchange has been a great
success for both the members whom participated with their inventions and
the Association.
Oct 14
Singapore Patent Seminar to NTU
(14 Oct 2003)
Our President, Kim Tean, represented SIDA to speak to students at Nanyang Business School at the invitation of NTU’s Dr Assafa Endeshaw (Assoc Prof), Convenor of the Management of Intellectual Property and Innovation Course.
This talk on Achievements and Chellenges of Singapore Inventor’s and Innovators was held on Tuesday, October 14, 2003 at 2.45 pm in Seminar Room 2 at Block S4 of the Nanyang Business School in NTU.
Jan 04
Introduction to Patent Rights ( Science Park )
(4 January 2003)
The Singapore Inventors Development Association and Alain A. Johns Partnership jointly organised a seminar on Introduction to Patent Rights. The seminar was held on Saturday, 4 January 2003 from 9.00am to 12.30pm at PSB Theatrette, 1 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118221.