May 05
Inventor’s need for tools sparked TechShop
Interesting extract from the article.
- Every mad scientist needs a laboratory. And for those who can’t afford it, there’s TechShop.
May 03
Your DNA may be patented (US context)
Below are some interesting extract from the article..
- “Myriad Genetics controls all testing on the two breast cancer genes because they own the genes, lock stock and barrel. They patented them and no one else can legally test for them, or look at them, or even develop potential therapies that are based on them without Myriad’s consent.”
Apr 27
WIPO now in YouTube
WIPO has set up a YouTube presence: the WIPO channel
(Click here:
Apr 27
WIPO Magazine (April 2010)
The WIPO Magazine 2/2010 (April) issue is now available on the WIPO website.
(Click here:
This WIPO Magazine focuses on:
- The WIPO Convention Life begins at 40!
- The New WIPO Logo
- The 10th World IP Day and the 2010 Message from Director General Francis Gurry
- Innovation, the Environment and the Future
- Interview with Artist, Illustrator, Creator Bob MacNeil
Apr 17
GE Develops LED Light Bulb That Lasts 17 years

- “GE has developed a new type of LED light bulb that it claims lasts for up to 17 years. GE says that these new light bulbs can provide just as much light as a 40-watt incandescent lightbulb, while consuming only nine watts of electricity.”
- “While your average light bulb may come in at around 3 or 4 bucks apiece, these LED light bulbs are estimated to cost around $40-50 dollars each.”
Apr 15
Does the Patent Office Snub Inventors Who File without an Attorney?
Want to file your own patent by yourself ?
This article is based in US context, but you should take a look at it before taking the next step.
Below are some interesting points made in the article..
- “The lonely toil of the individual American inventor has given the nation brilliant technological breakthroughs and universal acclaim for its innovativeness.”
- “I filed my patent application with the USPTO on Oct. 18, 2007. An experienced patent attorney at a large Atlanta law firm read the entire application and refined the claims for a fee.”
Apr 15
SIDA Forum
Dear SIDA Members,
We will be introducing a SIDA forum into our website for members to feedback and communicate.
The URL link is at
Registration will start from 18 Apr 2010.
This forum is meant only for SIDA members (Guest may only view some of the sections).
Please register with a valid email address according to your SIDA membership so that we know who you are.
Apr 12
The Bloom Box
Large corporations have been testing a new device that can generate power on the spot, without being connected to the electric grid. Will we have one in every home someday ?
Apr 09
Hewlett Packard outlines computer memory of the future
The fundamental building blocks of all computing devices could be about to undergo a dramatic change that would allow faster, more efficient machines.
“Researchers at computer firm Hewlett Packard (HP) have shown off working devices built using memristors – often described as electronics’ missing link.”
“That means they could begin to replace transistors – the tiny switches used to build today’s chips.”
“And, crucially, the unique properties of memristors would allow future chips to both store and process data in the same device.”
“In the near future we can use memristors to make real brain-like computers, he told BBC News.”