- Haptic technology allows users to “feel” buttons on a touch-screen device by providing localized feedback when users’ fingers touch button or control areas.
May 04
Haptic technology for touch screen devices ?
Apr 29
3D Printers: Make Whatever You Want
- …14-year-old Riley Lewis and a few of his eighth grade friends…The boys can pretty much fabricate anything they can dream up on a machine called the RapMan.
Apr 27
Raspberry Pi hopes to inspire the next generation of innovators
Apr 26
Colorado program to help inventors obtain patents
- A unique program to connect low-income inventors with patent attorneys to pursue patents before the US Patent and Trademark Office…
- “It is the first time ever in the world that a group of patent attorneys have gotten together – organized – to set up a program by which inventors who have great ideas but don’t have financial resources can get matched up with practicing patent attorneys who will research their inventions, counsel them, write patent applications, and file those patent applications in the US patent office,” said Kappos.use
Apr 23
SIDA meeting on 19 May 2012
Notice is hereby given that the SIDA General Meeting will be held on Saturday, 19 May 2012 from 2.00 pm.
The agenda items are:
1) Meeting Tweeter Upgrade (Version 2.0) — (10 min)
2) Finalization of SIDA 10 years roadmap — (30 min)
3) SAN (Sida Advisors Network) Membership/Survey form — (1 hr)
4) SIAP (Sida Inventor Assistance Programme) revision (Version 3.0) — (1 hr)
5) Invention Gossip — (1 hr)
With best regards,
Sida Webmaster
PS: For Sida members who are interested to join in the meeting, please drop me a message at http://sida.org.sg/contact-us/
Apr 23
Meeting Tweeter for SIDA meeting on 7 April 2012
Above is the meeting tweeter log for SIDA meeting held on 7 April 2012
Apr 12
Auto Lead Pencil
Apr 09
NUS Students invent touchscreen sensitive ISGLOVES
Apr 06
Quirk Station: A company that brings inventions to life ?
- For $10, you submit an idea online, follow Quirky users comments and, if chosen, watch as your idea comes to life, working its way through research, design, branding, engineering, and sales and marketing.