Coffee on a Tablet

  • Jason Martin, 29, has a patent pending on a method for dispensing 340 mg of caffeine in a tablet slightly larger than a common antacid, that dissolves in hot or cold water — or in your mouth, if you’re in a hurry.

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NTU scientists create toilet which turns poo into electricity

  •  Scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have developed a new toilet system that converts human waste to electricity and fertiliser.

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SIDA meeting on 7 July 2012

Note: The meeting tweeter for this meeting will be published from 15 July 2012 onward.

Notice is hereby given that the SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 7 July 2012 from 2.00 pm.

The agenda items are:
* SIDA 2012 Annual return submission (10 min).
* Monitoring of SIDA financial account using DBS “IDEAL” online system (Enquiry only) (15 min).
* NP Bootcamp (15 min)
* Brain Stretching Part 1 (30 min)
* SIAP#2: Project “Meeting” (1 hr)
* Break (15 min)
* SIAP#3: Project “Drainage” (1 hr)
* Brain Stretching Part 2 (30 min)
* Invention Gossip (30 min)

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Call To Invention: Project “Meeting” and “Drainage”

This is a SIDA “Call To Invention” under our SIAP (SIDA Inventor Assistance Programme).

SIDA members who are interested to take part in this project may contact us at

Why It’s Never Been Easier To Be A Successful Inventor

  • Van Anz ordered a 2hp motor from a Chinese manufacturer and rigged it up to a regular bike frame.
  • The first time Van Anz took it out in public, a stranger at a Los Angeles eatery offered to buy it for $5,000 in cash.
  • …now sells 400 bikes a year to the likes of Ashton Kutcher, Robert Downey Jr. and Robin Williams.
  • Starting at $3,000, prices for custom-painted models can run as high as $10,000.
  • …top speed of 35mph and fuel economy from 150mpg to 180mpg

Meeting Tweeter log for SIDA meeting on 19 May 2012


Above is the meeting tweeter log for SIDA meeting held on 19 May 2012


NTU Inventions

Life is a series of new ventures

The Top 3 Realities of Inventing Today

  • For starters, join a local inventor club. This will help you with networking and resources, but most importantly, it will temper your enthusiasm and excitement.
  • …impulsive and emotional decision-making is the number one reason first-time inventors fall prey to sweet-sounding promises by invention promotion firms and lose an estimated $300 million annually.

Clearwater inventor’s eyeglass repair kit wins third place in Walmart contest

  • …eyeglass repair kit created by Clearwater inventor Nancy Tedeschi.
  • She has sold 5 million of her SnapIt eyeglass repair kits elsewhere.
  • …at $4.88. That includes a tiny screwdriver and five screws.

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