Singapore Mini Maker Faire

  •  The event is the Singapore Mini Maker Faire, a festival in honour of tinkers, inventors and do-it-yourself creators, to be held at the Science Centre Singapore in Jurong East.
  • Thrity-eight groups of inventors, some of whom are coming from Japan, China and Malaysia, will share their creation with the public..
  • …it has been held in more than 30 locations worldwide since being launched in California in 2006.
  • Where: Marquee, Science Centre Singapore, 15 Science Centre Road
  • When: Aug 4 and 5, 10am to 5pm
  • Admission: Free (Please take note that you need to purchase a S$9 ticket to enter Science Centre first)
  • Check out the photo of the event below…

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Crazy Phone Patents

  • Amazon Crash
  • Publication No.: 20110194230
  • Filed: February 11, 2010
  • Company: Amazon
  • when the device is being dropped and then deploy a safety mechanism to protect itself

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SIDA members who are interested to join may apply it through SIDA by dropping us a message at (Please state your name, email and contact according to SIDA membership record)

Call to invent: Project Wheel

This is a SIDA �Call To Invention� under our SIAP (SIDA Inventor Assistance Programme).


SIDA members who are interested to take part in this project may contact us at


SIDA meeting on 28 July 2012

Dear All,

Notice is hereby given that the SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 28 July 2012 from 2.00 pm, Venue: Mr Tan’s Office.

The agenda items are:
* NP Bootcamp: SIDA commitment (30 min)
* NP Bootcamp: Discussion on the topic of the talk (3hr)
– Proposals
– Final decision on topic
– Delegation of roles, Presenters and Support Teams.
* NP Bootcamp: Members commitment (30 min)
– Day 1 (1 Oct) commitment
– Day 3 (3 Oct) commitment
– Logistic arrangement
* NP Bootcamp: Additional matters
Total duration expected ~ 4 hours.

* For Sida members who are interested to join in the meeting, please drop me a message at

SIDA Webmaster

Thermal Kinetic Energiser (TKE) system

  •  Sovereign Steel…revealed the technology, known as the Thermal Kinetic Energiser (TKE) system

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Meeting Tweeter log for SIDA meeting on 7 July 2012

Above is the meeting tweeter log for SIDA meeting held on 7 July 2012

Space tech shirt that regulate body temperature

(Article taken from on 12 July 2012, Page A14)

  • Four Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) graduates have designed a space-age business shirt that will regulate the wearer’s body temperature, take care of pesky odours and protect him from embrassing underarm perspiration marks.

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Call To Invention: Project Cable

This is a SIDA �Call To Invention� under our SIAP (SIDA Inventor Assistance Programme).

SIDA members who are interested to take part in this project may contact us at

Ink Circuit

  • One firm, T-Ink has developed inks so robust that circuits. sensors and switches can be printed on flat plastic and then moulded into three-dimensional components that control overhead lights and sunroofs in car.

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