- The event is the Singapore Mini Maker Faire, a festival in honour of tinkers, inventors and do-it-yourself creators, to be held at the Science Centre Singapore in Jurong East.
- Thrity-eight groups of inventors, some of whom are coming from Japan, China and Malaysia, will share their creation with the public..
- …it has been held in more than 30 locations worldwide since being launched in California in 2006.
- Where: Marquee, Science Centre Singapore, 15 Science Centre Road
- When: Aug 4 and 5, 10am to 5pm
- Admission: Free (Please take note that you need to purchase a S$9 ticket to enter Science Centre first)
- Check out the photo of the event below…
Jul 28
Singapore Mini Maker Faire
Jul 27
Crazy Phone Patents
- Amazon Crash
- Publication No.: 20110194230
- Filed: February 11, 2010
- Company: Amazon
- when the device is being dropped and then deploy a safety mechanism to protect itself
Jul 24

SIDA members who are interested to join may apply it through SIDA by dropping us a message at http://sida.org.sg/contact-us/ (Please state your name, email and contact according to SIDA membership record)
Jul 23
Call to invent: Project Wheel
This is a SIDA �Call To Invention� under our SIAP (SIDA Inventor Assistance Programme).
SIDA members who are interested to take part in this project may contact us at https://www.sida.org.sg/contact-us/
Jul 23
SIDA meeting on 28 July 2012
Dear All,
Notice is hereby given that the SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 28 July 2012 from 2.00 pm, Venue: Mr Tan’s Office.
The agenda items are:
* NP Bootcamp: SIDA commitment (30 min)
* NP Bootcamp: Discussion on the topic of the talk (3hr)
– Proposals
– Final decision on topic
– Delegation of roles, Presenters and Support Teams.
* NP Bootcamp: Members commitment (30 min)
– Day 1 (1 Oct) commitment
– Day 3 (3 Oct) commitment
– Logistic arrangement
* NP Bootcamp: Additional matters
Total duration expected ~ 4 hours.
* For Sida members who are interested to join in the meeting, please drop me a message at http://sida.org.sg/contact-us/
SIDA Webmaster
Jul 18
Thermal Kinetic Energiser (TKE) system
- Sovereign Steel…revealed the technology, known as the Thermal Kinetic Energiser (TKE) system
Jul 16
Meeting Tweeter log for SIDA meeting on 7 July 2012
Above is the meeting tweeter log for SIDA meeting held on 7 July 2012
Jul 12
Space tech shirt that regulate body temperature

(Article taken from http://mypaper.sg/ on 12 July 2012, Page A14)
- Four Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) graduates have designed a space-age business shirt that will regulate the wearer’s body temperature, take care of pesky odours and protect him from embrassing underarm perspiration marks.
Jul 10
Call To Invention: Project Cable
This is a SIDA �Call To Invention� under our SIAP (SIDA Inventor Assistance Programme).
SIDA members who are interested to take part in this project may contact us at https://www.sida.org.sg/contact-us/
Jul 04