Sep 08
Apple Patents War
Aug 28
Morphology, a new board game
- Kate Ryan Reiling, founder of Minneapolis game developer Morphology Games… a board game in which players use beads, blocks, string and other objects to build words for teammates to guess.
Aug 27
China Inventors’ Stories
- Yang invented and is producing a spherical ark 4m in diameter that weighs six metric tonnes.
- Its designed to withstand collisions, radiation and high temperatures. Three people could survive for up to a year on the pilot biscuits, water and oxygen it carries.
- The ark is just one of Yangs creations in the past six years. He has 300 to his credit and holds 36 patents…Twice he was cheated when looking for investors in neighbouring cities. The fraudsters took my schematic drawing, and that was the last I saw of them, he said.
- In January 2008, Premier Wen Jiabao met Yang Zongfu in Beijing when he submitted his idea for snow removal equipment, at a time when continuous snow and icy rain wreaked havoc in South China…Yang Zongfu has a plan to open a training centre for inventors, to produce more good ideas and help them apply for patents.
Aug 19
Crowdfunding using KickStarter
- In April, three-person startup Pebble Technology sought to raise $100,000 to make 1,000 wristwatches that can be programmed with different clock faces. Donors on Kickstarter showered them with more than 100 times that amount: $10.3 million.
- Kickstarter is the largest of dozens of sites devoted to crowdfunding, in which donors contribute small sums of money to get a project off the ground.
- Inventors, artists and entrepreneurs post their projects on a Kickstarter page, usually with a video presentation.
- Usually, the contributors get something beyond the satisfaction of knowing they helped turn a dream into reality like a ticket to a theater production, or in the case of Pebble, a programmable watch.
- Starting a project is free, but Kickstarter takes 5 percent of contributions if a project is funded, and Amazon.com Inc. takes another 3 to 5 percent for processing the payments. The funds are usually subject to taxes as well.
- http://www.kickstarter.com/
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Aug 16
SIDA Meeting on 1 Sep 2012, Sat, 2pm
Dear All,
Notice is hereby given that the SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 1 Sep 2012 from 2.00 pm, Venue: Mr Tans Office.
* For Sida members who are interested to join in the meeting, please drop me a message at http://sida.org.sg/contact-us/
SIDA Webmaster
Aug 09
Singapore National Day 2012
SIDA wish Singapore 47th birthday.
May she continue to enjoy happiness and prosperity in the coming years.
Aug 05
“We Own Your Brain”: Doctor Moonlights As Inventor, Judge Says MGH Owns His Ideas
- Dr. Joseph Grocela is an MGH urologist who moonlights as an inventor of medical devices.
- And yet a judge today ruled that MGH�s parent company Partner Healthcare owns all his IP � even from work done in his own home
- The judge argued that 1) he could always have chosen to work somewhere without such requirements, and 2) he benefits significantly from the clinical resources at MGH, a factor that enables his ability to invent.
- Someone tinkering on a medical device may or may not do so with a big financial payout in mind, but one thing that will certainly make them less likely to build new things is the knowledge that someone else will swoop in and steal it from them for a profit.
- Just think of how many great companies started out as side projects.
Aug 04
Israeli Inventor Izhar Gafni Makes $9 Bicycle Out Of Cardboard
(Click here for video link: http://vimeo.com/37584656#at=1)
- Israeli inventor Izhar Gafni started with a question. ‘Can you make an affordable and practical bicycle out of cardboard?’