UK inventor tests the first air car


  • British scientists developing the technology say normal air can be used to store energy by cooling it to -190C, turning it into a liquid.
  • When the liquid air is later warmed, it rapidly expands into a gas, creating high pressure that can drive the piston engine of a car, or generate electricity in a turbine.
  • At times of low demand for electricity, the plant uses the excess energy from the power station to suck air through refrigerator-style compressors turning it into a liquid, which it then stores in an insulated tank.
  • When consumer demand spikes, the energy is returned to the national grid. The tank, which stores 60 tons of liquid air, can power 6,000 homes for one hour.
  • ‘With liquid air you have the convenience of the petrol engine in that you can refill it quickly, simply by pouring it into the tank.’

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100% Design Singapore Exhibition

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Barcode 60th Birthday

  • There are now more than five million individual barcodes in use around the world…
  • Sunday, 7 October is the 60th anniversary of the barcode patent, filed in the US in 1952.
  • However the distinctive black-and-white stripes did not make their first appearance in an American shop until 1974 – because the laser technology used to read them did not exist.

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SIDA meeting on 20 Oct 2012, Sat, 2pm

Dear All,

Notice is hereby given that the SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 20 Oct 2012 from 2.00 pm, Venue: Mr Tan’s Office.

The agenda items are:
* NP Bootcamp review (2 hrs) (Click here for link)
* Project “WHEEL” (30 min)
* Project “CABLE” (30 min) – Incomplete
* Patent Chat (30 min) – Incomplete
* Invention Gossip (30 min)
   – GangNam Style ( Video 1, Video 2)
   – Fracking (Click here) – Incomplete
   – IV Protection Device (Click here) – Incomplete
   – $9 Cardboard bicycle (Click here) – Incomplete
Total duration expected ~ 4 hours.

* For Sida members who are interested to join in the meeting, please drop me a message at

SIDA Webmaster

WIPO Magazine September 2012

WIPO Magazine is now available online at
In this issue:

Also in this issue:

WIPO Magazine is published bimonthly by the World Intellectual Property Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations.

SIDA participation in Ngee Ann Bootcamp (1 Oct 2012 to 4 Oct 2012)

(Click the above link for the presentation slide)

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IV Protection Device

  • Heitkamp’s invention is an IV protection device. The product is used to hold IV lines in place to prevent needles from falling out or being pulled out of place and causing irritation

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The Era of Retail 3D Printing Begins

  • A quirky kind of store has opened up at 298 Mulberry Street in downtown Manhattan.  It’s the first retail location for MakerBot, one of the leading consumer 3D printer companies.
  • …just-released Replicator 2 printer from MakerBot that costs $2,199…
  • Silicon Valley, for some reason, has shown very little interest in 3D printing…venture capitalists have ignored the technology…
  • …Or have a peek at the Cube from 3D Systems, which costs $1,299…

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Boon and Bane of Crowdfunding

(Article taken from on 19 Sep 2012)

  • Crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter, IndieGogo and Quirky are letting designers connect with audiences who want to finance their dreams… But, for the creators of these projects, getting the money is sometimes the easy part. They then have to turn their dreams into reality, with crowd keeping an eye on their progress.
  • Most of the time, this works out. However, some projects, including several high profile and in-demand ones, have run into glitches and lengthy delay.
  • Kickstarter says it is not responsible for making sure a project is completed on time, or at all…Kickstarter has no mechanism for refunding the pledges.

How to encourage Invention

  • “The plain truth is that schools really don’t matter much when it comes to education. What matters is the family environment where a student lives, and how motivated the child is to learn,” wrote TheElJamo.
  • Innovation is not just for the talented few…There are systematic processes by which ordinary individuals can come up with innovative solutions.
  • Media organizations should set up competitions that help “finalists meet face to face with investors and capitalists who are to provide investment and grants (not loans) for these vetted ventures,”
  • Innovation is already happening nearly everywhere in our economy. But the place where it’s least prevalent is in government…

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