- * … EyeFly 3D, can make images on non-3-D smartphones “leap” from their screens, without users having to wear special 3-D glasses.
- * … 500,000 nano-sized lens structures embedded…
- * Each lens structure is 1,000 times smaller than the width of a strand of hair.
- * … developed by Temasek Polytechnic and the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering.
- * Home-grown start-up Nanoveu is marketing EyeFly 3D.
- * … USS$34.95 (S$43) for the iPhone 5 and fifth-generation iPod touch, and will ship from April 27.
Apr 03
Singapore 3D Display Screen Protector
Apr 02
Singapore Introduce Intellectual Property Financing scheme
- * A new financing scheme… for local companies to use their intellectual property (IP) as collateral when applying for bank loans.
- * …Government will partially underwrite the value of patents so banks will not be made to bear all the risk if firms cannot repay the loan.
- * …aimed at encouraging banks to recognise IP as an asset…
Mar 30
SIDA meeting on 6 Apr 2013 (Sat), 2pm (Postphoned from 30 Mar 2013)
Dear All,
Notice is hereby given that the SIDA Meeting to be held on Saturday, 6 Apr 2013, from 2.00 pm Venue: Mr Tan’s Office.
* For Sida members who are interested to join in the meeting, please drop me a message at http://sida.org.sg/contact-us/
* This meeting was postphoned from 30 Mar 2013 to 6 Apr 2013.
Mar 04
Inventor of the wind-up radio living in poverty
- * He (Trevor Baylis) is regarded as one of Britain’s greatest inventors after creating the wind-up radio in the 1990s.
- * Trevor Baylis says he is ‘totally broke’ and has to sell his beloved home.
Feb 26
Meeting Tweeter log for SIDA meeting on 16 Feb 2013
Above is the meeting tweeter log for SIDA meeting held on 29 Dec 2012
Jan 13
SIDA meeting on 16 Feb 2013, 2pm
Dear All,
Notice is hereby given that the SIDA Meeting to be held on Saturday, 16 Feb 2013, from 2.00 pm Venue: Mr Tan’s Office.
* Patent chat#3 will be based on IPOS Patent Agent Qualifying Exam 2011, Paper B (See attached below)
* For Sida members who are interested to join in the meeting, please drop me a message at http://sida.org.sg/contact-us/
* The above tweeter log for this meeting is available at http://sida.org.sg/2013/02/26/meeting-tweeter-log-for-sida-meeting-on-16-feb-2013/