SI-AP#10: Project CAMERA

Project CAMERA was aborted on 7 Oct 2013 because similar invention was already patented (EP0914623: Variable focus lens by small changes of the equatorial lens diameter) on 5 Oct 1996.


SI-AP#8: Project SA Probe


Project SA PROBE was completed on 1 Jun 2013

SpiderPodium by Breffo

Meeting tweeter log for meeting on 14 Sep 2013


Above is the tweeter log for the meeting on 14 Sep 2013


2013 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair


Fresh paper to keep your fruit fresh

  • …Kavita Shukla, who patented it at age 17…

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Lock-Lah to prevent bicycle thefts

  •  The fuss-free rack with a round plate at its front to keep away thieving hands was the winning entry at the inaugural Bicycle Bay Design Competition…
  • …the indonesian team of Ms Joanna Christie Lie, Ms Yanti Agustin and Mr Inigo……final-year product design students at Lasalle School of the Arts.
  • The team found that thieves often target front wheels, front shafts and seat tubes, since they were the easiest parts to take apart and steal…
  • …the winning design was simple yet effective and cheap to make.
  • Bicycle thefts have been on the increase here over the past five years.
  • More than 150 designs were submitted…when the competition was first launched in February (2013).

SIDA meeting on 14 Sep 2013 (Sat), 2pm

Dear All,

Notice is hereby given that the next SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 14 Sep 2013, from 2.00 pm Venue: Mr Tan’s Office.
The agenda items are:
* Review of SIDA Patent Advisor’s Guideline (30 min)
* SI-AP#10: Project CAMERA (1 hr)
* SI-AP#11: Project HANGER (1 hr)
* SIDA Matters (1 hr)
– SIDA registered design
– Why join SIDA ?
* Invention Gossip (30 min)
Total duration expected ~ 4 hours.

* For Sida members who are interested to join in the meeting, please drop me a message at

* The tweeter log for this meeting can be found at

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Brollytime, hold your umbrella and smartphone together

  • Addressing the timeless issue of poor umbrella design, the firm (Brollytime) created Brolly, an umbrella with a handle that has an ergonomic. four finger grip.
  • …making it perfect when using smartphones and cameras.
  • …is available on the company’s website for US$20 (S$25).



One ring to pay transport fare

  • Each Easy Ring, built by the duo (Mr Edward Tiong,23, and Ms Olivia Seow,21) at a cost of about $20, comes with a microchip programmed with a student’s unique identification data.
  • …hope that the ring will be adapted for use on public transport here one day.
  • …”It started from the frustration of having to dig into our bags to retrieve our ez-link cards when taking public transport.”
  • The first prototype was created in March last year…using 3-D printers.
  • The duo have filed for a patent for the Easy Ring…


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