Dec 17
Orphe LED Shoes
Dec 15
SIDA AGM (Annual General Meeting) on 16 Jan 2016, Sat 2pm
Dear All,
Notice is hereby given that the SIDA AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be held on Saturday, 16 Jan 2016, from 2.00 pm Venue: Mr Tan’s Office.
The agenda items will be:
* Annual Return (30 min)
* Friends of SIDA-IPOS (1 hr)
* Committee Election (30 min)
* Second SIDA Logo Review (30 min)
* Project TROLLEY (1 hr)
* Invention Gossip (15min)
Total duration (~ 4 hrs)
* For Sida members who are interested to join in the meeting, please drop me a message at
Nov 25
New Patent Infopack available in IPOS website
The new Patent Infopack is now available in IPOS website below…
For any inventors in Singapore who is thinking of doing a patent for your invention, you should read this first.