Jan 22
Dec 21
SIDA Annual General Meeting on 12 Jan 2019, Sat 2pm
Dear All SIDA Members,
Notice is hereby given that the next SIDA AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be held on 12 Jan 2019, Sat, from 2.00 pm Venue: Mr Tan’s Office.
The agenda items will be:
* SIDA meeting ground rules
* Visitors (0.5hr)
* Quorum
* SIDA membership fee (0.5hr)
* SIDA Auditor nomination for 2018 (0.5hr)
* SIDA financial statements 2018 (0.5hr)
* SIDA annual report (0.5hr)
* SIDA Constitution review 2 of 3 (0.5hr)
* SIDA calender 2019
* SIDA FOS strategic discussion (0.5hr)
* Review of China patent system (0.5hr)
* Eddie’s invention (1hr)
* Project CODE (2hr)
Total duration (~ 5 hrs)