Category: Sida Meeting
Dec 12
Meeting Tweeter log for SIDA meeting on 24 Nov 2012
MeetingTweeter20121124B Above is the meeting tweeter log for SIDA meeting held on 24 Nov 2012 (
Nov 26
SIDA meeting on 29 Dec 2012, 2pm
Dear All, Notice is hereby given that the SIDA Meeting to be held on Saturday, 29 Dec 2012, from 2.00 pm Venue: Mr Tan’s Office. The agenda items are: * Brain Stretching (30 min) * SIDA 2012 review… and looking forward (1 hr) * Patent Chat#2: Energy Saving Refrigerator (1 hr) * Invention Gossip (30 …
Oct 30
SIDA Meeting on 24 Nov 2012, Sat, 2pm (Postphoned from 17 Nov)
Dear All, Notice is hereby given that the SIDA Meeting to be held on Saturday, 17 Nov 2012 has been post-phoned to 24 Nov 2012, from 2.00 pm Venue: Mr Tans Office. The agenda items are: * Brain Stretching#1 (30 min) * Project CABLE (1 hr) * Patent Chat (30 min) * Brain Stretching#2 (30 min) …
Oct 06
SIDA meeting on 20 Oct 2012, Sat, 2pm
Dear All, Notice is hereby given that the SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 20 Oct 2012 from 2.00 pm, Venue: Mr Tans Office. The agenda items are: * NP Bootcamp review (2 hrs) (Click here for link) * Project “WHEEL” (30 min) * Project “CABLE” (30 min) – Incomplete * Patent Chat (30 …
Aug 16
SIDA Meeting on 1 Sep 2012, Sat, 2pm
Dear All, Notice is hereby given that the SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 1 Sep 2012 from 2.00 pm, Venue: Mr Tans Office. The agenda items are: * NP Bootcamp: Schedule update (30 min) * NP Bootcamp: Discussion on presentation material (3 hr) * Project Silly (30 min) * Others Total duration expected …
Jul 23
SIDA meeting on 28 July 2012
Dear All, Notice is hereby given that the SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 28 July 2012 from 2.00 pm, Venue: Mr Tan’s Office. The agenda items are: * NP Bootcamp: SIDA commitment (30 min) * NP Bootcamp: Discussion on the topic of the talk (3hr) – Proposals – Final decision on topic – …
Jul 16
Meeting Tweeter log for SIDA meeting on 7 July 2012
20120707A1_SidaMeeting Above is the meeting tweeter log for SIDA meeting held on 7 July 2012 (
Jun 14
SIDA meeting on 7 July 2012
Note: The meeting tweeter for this meeting will be published from 15 July 2012 onward. Notice is hereby given that the SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 7 July 2012 from 2.00 pm. The agenda items are: * SIDA 2012 Annual return submission (10 min). * Monitoring of SIDA financial account using DBS “IDEAL” …
May 28
Meeting Tweeter log for SIDA meeting on 19 May 2012
20120519A1_SidaMeeting Above is the meeting tweeter log for SIDA meeting held on 19 May 2012 (