Category: Sida Meeting

SIDA meeting on 6 Dec 2014, Sat 2pm

Dear All, Notice is hereby given that the next SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 6 Dec 2014, from 2.00 pm Venue: Mr Tan’s Office. The agenda items will be: * Brain Stretching#5 (15 min) * SIDA Committee matter (15 min) * SIDA website going audio (15 min) * Project NATIONAL (2 hr) * …

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SIDA meeting on 11 Oct 2014 (Sat), 2pm

Dear All, Notice is hereby given that the next SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 11 Oct 2014, from 2.00 pm Venue: Mr Tan’s Office. The agenda items will be: * Brain Stretching #004 (15min) * SIDA domain name renewal (15min) * SIDA registered address change (15min) * Project AVIATION (Previously known as Project …

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SIDA meeting on 23 Aug 2014 (Sat), 2pm

Dear All, Notice is hereby given that the next SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 23 Aug 2014, from 2.00 pm Venue: Mr Tan’s Office. The agenda items will be: * SIDA registered address change (10 min) * Review SI-AP Projects (15 min) * Project MH370 (1.5 hr) * Break (15 min) * Revise …

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SIDA meeting on 5 July 2014 (Sat), 2pm

Dear All, Notice is hereby given that the next SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 5 July 2014, from 2.00 pm Venue: Mr Tan’s Office. The agenda items are: * Project Hanger (Tony, 1hr) * Project MH370 (Jason, 1hr) * Break (15 min) * Invention Gossip (30 min) Total duration expected ~ 3 hours. …

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Tweeter log for meeting on 10 May 2014

MT20140510B_Approved Above is the tweeter log for the meeting on 10 May 2014. (

SIDA Meeting on 10 May 2014 (Sat), 2pm

Dear All, Notice is hereby given that the next SIDA Meeting will be held on Saturday, 10 May 2014, from 2.00 pm Venue: Mr Tan’s Office. The agenda items are: * SIDA FAQ Revise version 1.0 to verion 1.1 (Jason, 30 min) * SI-AP(Team) Proposal (Jason,1 hr) * SI-AP(Team) Project (Jason, 1hr) * Break (15 …

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SIDA Meeting on 26 Apr 2014 will be postphoned

Dear All, Please take note that the next SIDA meeting on 26 Apr 2014 (Sat), 2pm will be postphoned to a later date that is to be confirmed. Regard, SIDA webmaster Note: * For Sida members who are interested to join in the meeting, please drop me a message at

Tweeter log for meeting on 22 Feb 2014

MT20140222C_ApprovedCopy_SidaWebsite Above is the tweeter log for the meeting on 22 Feb 2014. (

SIDA AGM (Annual General Meeting) on 22 Feb 2014 (Sat), 2pm

Dear All, Notice is hereby given that the next SIDA AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be held on Saturday, 22 Feb 2014, from 2.00 pm Venue: Mr Tan’s Office. The agenda items are: * SIDA Annual Report 2013 (30 min, Jason) * SIDA Income Statement 2013 (30 min, George) * Committee Bi-Annual Election (1 hr) …

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Meeting tweeter log for meeting on 16 Nov 2013

  20131116B2_MeetingTweeter_WebsiteApproved Above is the tweeter log for the meeting on 14 Sep 2013 (