Category: News

Space tech shirt that regulate body temperature

(Article taken from on 12 July 2012, Page A14) Four Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) graduates have designed a space-age business shirt that will regulate the wearer’s body temperature, take care of pesky odours and protect him from embrassing underarm perspiration marks.

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Ink Circuit

One firm, T-Ink has developed inks so robust that circuits. sensors and switches can be printed on flat plastic and then moulded into three-dimensional components that control overhead lights and sunroofs in car.

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Coffee on a Tablet

Jason Martin, 29, has a patent pending on a method for dispensing 340 mg of caffeine in a tablet slightly larger than a common antacid, that dissolves in hot or cold water — or in your mouth, if you’re in a hurry.

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NTU scientists create toilet which turns poo into electricity

 Scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have developed a new toilet system that converts human waste to electricity and fertiliser.

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Why It’s Never Been Easier To Be A Successful Inventor Van Anz ordered a 2hp motor from a Chinese manufacturer and rigged it up to a regular bike frame. The first time Van Anz took it out in public, a stranger at a Los Angeles eatery offered to buy it for $5,000 in cash. …now sells 400 bikes a year to the likes of Ashton Kutcher, Robert Downey …

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NTU Inventions

Life is a series of new ventures

The Top 3 Realities of Inventing Today For starters, join a local inventor club. This will help you with networking and resources, but most importantly, it will temper your enthusiasm and excitement. …impulsive and emotional decision-making is the number one reason first-time inventors fall prey to sweet-sounding promises by invention promotion firms and lose an estimated $300 million annually.

Clearwater inventor’s eyeglass repair kit wins third place in Walmart contest …eyeglass repair kit created by Clearwater inventor Nancy Tedeschi. She has sold 5 million of her SnapIt eyeglass repair kits elsewhere. …at $4.88. That includes a tiny screwdriver and five screws.

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Haptic technology for touch screen devices ? Haptic technology allows users to “feel” buttons on a touch-screen device by providing localized feedback when users’ fingers touch button or control areas.

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