Category: News

Korea Invention News

This fall/winter, Korea Invention News (KINEWS) holds 3 international awarding events in Seoul, Korea. * 5th Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2014 Award Ceremony: November 22nd in Seoul, Korea 40 Countries were in Participation Previous Year * 3rd Korea Inventor Award Festival, 2014 KIAF Award Ceremony: December 6th in Seoul, Korea 30 …

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Knee Defender

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Luggage with scale

* …can sometimes be difficult for travellers to weight their luggage accurately at home before reaching the airport. * …engineering students from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has come up with a possible solution… * Called the personal luggage scale (PLS).. built-in electronic scale… * …integrated into the luggage… * The team is thinking of filing …

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Singapore USB Traveller Plug

*…travellers.. you stumple into your hotel room.. only power points in the room are in strangely inaccessible locations… * …Chia Eng Kiat.. latest invention, the USB Traveller Plug, will come in handy… * “It took us more than a year to develop it…” .. by his company Tredan Connections. * …what sets his USB Traveller …

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Noonee Chairless Chair

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Sweat powered battery * A tattoo that produces power from persiration… * …could soon power heart monitors, digital watches and eventually even smartphones…

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No time for thinking and creativity

 * …biggest complaints.. overscheduled, overcommitted and overextended. * …super busy at work..crazy busy exercising, entertaining or taking their kids to Chinese lessons. * …while waiting in line.. out comes the mobile device.

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Super fast robot arm

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B-Shoe: Self balancing shoe for elderly

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Origami Robot

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