Title: Mass transport ventilation device
Inventor: Jason Leow (Invention was disclosed in SIDA WhatsApp committee group chat in 13 Apr 2020)
Note: This is an open invention. The inventor is giving away this invention to the general public for free. The inventor only seek for acknowledgement in his invention effort.
Special thanks to the following members for their constructive advice.
TatCheng: For his suggestion on the usage of IP66 dust filter to prevent water from entering the bus during heavy raining condition.
George Chan: For his feedback on the description of the problem using micro droplets. For his highlight on the need to get real experimental data to support the invention. Unfortunately, the inventor does not have the resources and know how to conduct this experiment. The inventor is also not willing to spend additional money on this experiment because it is an open invention. For the recommendation to do away with installation of the invention on the front wind shield, the inventor believed that the installation on the front wind shield is needed to force external air to enter and enough pressure is build up. This pressure build up is needed to drive out the internal air. Simply by opening the driver window is not enough for this pressure build up.
Search term: COVID-19, transport, bus, train, subway
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