Now this is an interesting article.
It state that someone manage to bring a new product into singapore.
It’s called Mosquito Magnet.
Making using of mosquito attraction to carbon dioxide that human expel, the machine will dispense carbon dioxide and suck in the mosquito thereby trapping it and starving it to death.
All these sound really cool, just some question.
1. Isn’t it going to contribute to increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ? With all the talk on carbon emission causing greenhouse and global warming, is it a anti-green product ?
2. I’m not going to buy it and let it run in my home at night. It’ll probably deplete all the oxygen in my house and leave me struggling for air in my sleep.
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pertaining to your enquiry above,
Our reply for question 1: the Mosquito Magnet was designed to replicate a human being. It emits out CO2, heat and moisture into the air to lure mosquitoes. This emission of CO2 into the atmosphere will not harm mother nature but on the contrary. Plants need sunlight, carbon dioxide and oxygen to make food. Thus the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere is actually healthy for plants.
Our reply for question 2 :The mosquito magnet has to be placed outdoor. When this device is properly placed between the breeding area and human area, the mosquitoes will be drawn to the mosquito magnet and away from you.
Thank you Gerard for your clarification.
I agree with you on the basis that plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis to take place.
It seem that many scientists over the world are crying out that global warming are in somewhat linked to too many CO2 emission.
There’s a recent article in Discover Magazine (See related link above) that said Global warming is accelerating the absorption of CO2 in the ocean, making it more acidic. This will affect sea creatures.
All in all, CO2 emission seem to be a sensitive issue.
Still, I wish you success to your product if it can bring real net benefits (like bringing down the number of dengue cases drastically) to our life.
Neat solution.
Can the carbon dioxide be taken from the plants themselves? Plants emit carbon dioxide at night.
A “green way” to creat the carbon dioxide would be good, like from naturally decaying wood or some organic substance.
BTW: I am working on a green cockroach catcher that dont need Baygon or something like that. It is a cockroach catcher that is you see a cockroach than you use it to catch the cockroach. Insecticides is bad for everybody especially young children and pets in the house.