The Sky Spyder

(21 Nov 2006)

SkySpyder technology provides a safe, environmentally-friendly solution to problems of cleaning the facade of high-rise buildings.

The SkySpyder is the revolutionary invention of John Venning of Gondola Marine Services Pte Ltd. SkySpyder technology can benefit 50% or more of all high-rise buildings in the world.

Benefits from SkySpyder are:

Safe: Remote controlled. No one at risk.

Effective: Innovative solution solves longstanding problems.

Economical: Single operator. Lower energy consumption.

Easy to Use: No complicated parts.
Versatile: Can be used in different modes and situations. Environmentally friendly: Recycles water, reduces spillage Cost saving: Significant capital cost-saving compared with a traditional permanent gondola. Visit for more information on SkySpyder 1

Exhibit B – Various items that make use of vacuum cups.

These are:

1.A single restraint wheel which uses twelve cups.

2.A tractor which uses a track made of suction cups.

3.The glass alpenstock designed for use by people cleaning slanted glass panels on buildings.

This was showcased in GES 2005